Jacquard pattern realization
Tessitura Grassi has 3 CADs for the conversion of graphical images into patterns for Jacquard machines.
Thanks to these softwares it is possible to obtain realistic simulations of the fabric before a sampling is made: in doing so, it is possible to make the design phase faster and to reduce the prototyping costs.
Samplings and prototyping
Having our CAD systems only 18 steps away from the looms makes the sampling phase fast and meticulous.
Thanks to the Jacquard, the sampling codes are directly written into the textile design, to ensure that order and organization are maintained during the design phase of the product.
Dressing Simulation
After having implemented the 2D simulation, our Research and development department realizes CAD image of a product made with the fabric in the design phase.
This is necessary for a correct development: these simulations render the idea of the finished product.